God created and loves your child! Our Children’s Ministries focus on helping the children to feel God’s love within their families and in Church. Our goal is to make the children little disciples of Jesus Christ.
The focus of our programs is Sunday Mass. Family attendance of 9:30am Mass on Sunday is expected and monitored for all children enrolled in SPkids programs. If your family cannot make this commitment at this time, then you should wait until your schedule can accommodate regular Sunday Mass attendance.
We offer programs for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Registration for 2024-2025 will be available on the parish website beginning on July 1, 2024.
Our optional Kindergarten program is called “Spark” and will be done at home under the supervision of the parent.
Preparation for First Communion consists of 2 years: the first year the child attends named “Glow” and the second named “Blaze.” These can occur while the child is in first and second grade, although one-third of the children at St Peter are older than second grade when they receive First Communion.
Preparation should take place when your child is interested in the Mass and Jesus, and when you as parents are ready and able to support your child in the faith by supervising some lessons at home, praying with your child, and attending Mass as a family every Sunday.
Children in the first year “Glow” focus on learning about Jesus, Bible stories and basic prayers. This is the first year of preparation to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion. Classes are offered in English and Spanish.
Children in the second year “Blaze” prepare intensely for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. Children must have successfully completed the first year of “Glow.”
Following the 9:30am Sunday Mass, in person sessions for Glow and Blaze will rotate according to the schedule linked here. On the weeks your child is not scheduled for an in person class, they will be assigned a lesson to do with you at home on a distance learning platform.
Children who are in grades 3, 4 and 5 and have already received First Communion attend the SPkids program called “Shine,” focusing on scripture study and forming friendships with other Catholic kids in a small group format. These sessions will be held in person on Wednesdays after school.
If you are interested in leading SPkids in person sessions on Sunday or Wednesday, please contact Becky Miklos.
For more information

Becky Miklos
Director of
Children's Ministries